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10 Tips for Smarter Networking

networkingIn the era of social media where the bulk of our day-to-day interactions and networking efforts occur via Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, does in-person networking still matter? The answer is a resounding YES!

According to a recent study by the Referral Institute, on average, business people who spent six to nine hours per week networking generated 50 percent of their business through networking related referrals.  Take your business networking beyond social media and improve your networking skills with these 10 tips:

1. Break the ice. Carry yourself with confidence and be sure to maintain an approachable image.  Make eye contact, smile and be willing to break the ice by introducing yourself to others.  To help make small talk a bit easier, consider wearing something that inspires conversation, like an unusual brooch or scarf, colorful socks or a funny necktie.  Not only do these props serve as icebreakers, but they also make you memorable.

2. Be able to describe your business in one sentence.  Focus on explaining how your business benefits customers and avoid buzzwords and jargon.  To help guide your description, imagine you’re telling your mom or a third-grader what your company does.

3. Listen more than you talk.  Ask others questions about their businesses and they’ll be happy to answer.  By listening more than you talk, you will not only gain insight into their business needs but also learn how you might be able to work together.

4. Focus on quality, not quantity. Networking is not about collecting 1,000 business cards but about making real connections with people. Focus on what you can give the other person, not what you can get from them, and you’ll find that others are eager to help you.

5. Keep mingling. So that you don’t spend all your time talking to one person, develop a tactful way of ending conversations. Say something like “It’s been great to meet you. I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like to talk to a few other people before the event is over. Here’s my card; let’s stay in touch.”

6. Take a leading role. Don’t be a passive attendee, be an active participant. Volunteer to set up before the event, participate in committees or chair panels. You’ll increase your visibility and get to know people faster.

7. Streamline contact gathering. Apps like CardMunchEvernote Hello or Shoeboxed make it simple to scan business cards, take notes from your conversations, and integrate the information into your contact management system and social media accounts.

8. Develop a follow-up plan. Create a system for following up with people you meet at networking events. For example, you could begin by following up on any plans made at the event, then reach out to your new contacts on social media, and eventually suggest meeting for coffee or lunch.

9. Build relationships. Schedule time each week to stay in touch with your new contacts by commenting on their social media status, sending them articles or information that might be useful to their business, sending them holiday, birthday and anniversary cards and/or getting together.

10. Don’t give up. Many businesspeople give up on networking without ever investing enough time to make it pay off. Keeping the six-to-nine-hour-per-week figure in mind, give each networking group at least six months of effort before deciding it’s not for you.

Happy networking!
